Summer 2023



Craigslist Redesign


Craigslist is a website that people can use to buy and sell, hire, create posts, and more. In order to revamp the original cluttered and unorganized design, I redesigned a task flow for users with a focus on improving usability.


Mockups from customscene and aleksandr_samochernyi on Freepik

/ Revised Information Architecture


Final Design

/ Final Prototype

Project Learnings

  • As it was my first experience using paper prototypes, I learned about testing protocols and the benefit to touch target evaluation.

  • Craigslist is the first web design project I worked on therefore, it was beneficial to learn how to dissect the information architecture and evaluate the differences between app and web design.

  • In this project I got to test 2 users on their experience with the original Craigslist web design. This offered a perspective for me to work off and allowed me to implement user feedback.

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